Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Kee Safety Group Ethical Policy Statement

The following Ethical Policy is wholly supported by all members of the Kee Safety Group Board and the wider Management Team.  We believe that the retention of a set of core values and approaches is vital to the process of doing business. The reputation of our company and the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals is our most important resource and underpins our values. This should be read in conjunction with Kee Safety Group’s Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy.

This policy applies to all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, interns, agents, contractors, external consultants, third-party representatives and business partners.

This policy does not form part of any employee's contract of employment and we may amend it at any time.



Kee Safety Group believes that integrity in dealings with customers is a prerequisite for a successful trading relationship. In all advertising and other public communications, untruths, concealment, and overstatement will be avoided. We will afford the same degree of confidentiality to customer information as we do with our own confidential information.

  • All employees will act with the highest levels of personal integrity
  • Bribery or facilitation payments will never be considered acceptable


International Operations

Kee Safety Group commits itself to respect and obey both local, national, and international laws and other relevant legislation, effective within each community and country within which we operate. At all times we will respect the traditions, cultures, and beliefs of each country in which we operate.

We will endeavour to seek out internally and in our supply chain or contractor/client operations and report to the relevant authorities any Company/person that is involved in or facilitates:

  • Slavery or servitude
  • Individuals having to perform forced or compulsory labour
  • The travel of a person with a view to exploitation either behaviourally or anything done to in respect of a person
  • The use of vulnerable people in a way that someone not vulnerable would be likely to refuse to be used for the same purpose.


Kee Safety Group Principles of Operation

Kee Safety Group will seek to minimise its Environmental impact whenever possible and to comply with all Environmental Legislation.

All employment should be freely chosen in line with local laws and regulations, such as the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. Child labour or adult enforced labour must not be used at any time or for any purpose in the supply of materials or products.

All businesses must ensure that any kind of slavery/servitude/forced or compulsory labour or human trafficking does not occur in any part of our business or in our supply chains. Kee Safety Group will require any organisation that it is proposing to work with, in the supply chain, to complete a Supplier Due Diligence Questionnaire to our satisfaction [before we will contract with that organisation.]

The working environment within our facilities will be safe and the highest levels of housekeeping will be maintained.

All working conditions must be safe and in accordance with relevant regional or national laws.

Working hours must be in accordance with local, national, or regional guidelines or legislation.

Discrimination of any kind will never be tolerated. Abuse, harassment, intimidation, or any form of bullying will not be tolerated. People will be treated with respect at all times.

Kee Safety Group firmly believes that its employees are the key to its success. We will aim to recruit and promote on the basis of merit alone.

The highest levels of personal integrity must be maintained at all times by all our team. Inappropriate inducement or bribery, received or given, will never be tolerated.


Governance and Review

Should an employee be in any doubt about a relevant course of action, require clarification on a particular issue, or want to report a potential breach of this policy, they should report directly to their Line Manager/General Manger. The topic/issue will then be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible, and by the appropriate Manager/Director.

This policy will be held by the Human Resource Director on behalf of the Kee Safety Group Board and will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it remains relevant, both internally and externally regarding changing social and moral attitudes and business best practice.


If you are ever in doubt....stop and ask.

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