Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Educational Facilities

Compliant fall protection solutions for schools, colleges and universities.

As an administrator of an educational facility, it is your responsibility to ensure anyone who has access to your roof can do so in a safe and secure manner. It’s not only for the good of your workers and employees, it’s required by international safety standards.

Protect Your Educational Facility Staff

Rooftops are full of potential fall hazards; international safety standards - e.g. OSHA, require that all educational facilities provide adequate rooftop fall protection. The perimeter of the roof, skylights, ladders, and access points all need to have fall protection measurements. According to OSHA’s rooftop fall protection guidelines, anyone and everyone who may access your school’s roof needs fall protection. Maintenance personnel, contractors, janitors, and even students and teachers might find themselves accessing the roof.
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Safety Products for the Education Industry

KS KGU 299

KeeGuard® Roof Guardrail

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Kee Platform® Arbeitsbühnen und sichere Zugangsplattformen für Wartungen nach Maß

Bespoke Access Platforms

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Kee Gate Industrial Safety Gate

Kee Gate® Self Closing Gates

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Kee Klamp Access 6

Kee Klamp® Access Railing

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Education Industry Case Studies